What’s cool about where you’re from?

Cool thread Charles. I lived(for a short stint) in Camlachie, which was close to you I believe. Helped run the water plant for Petrolia. Water plant was actually on shore of Lake Huron and the water was piped approx 15 miles south to Petrolia.
Petrolia, Ontario - Wikipedia
Where we are now, Peterborough lift lock, was worlds largest, not sure if it still is.
Peterborough Lift Lock
Hockey:canada:, I believe more NHL players played junior here than anywhere else. Coaches as well.
Ant Hill farm cult.
Roch Thériault - Wikipedia
Old Lindsay Jail, maximum security. (Jail was spelled gaol way back). Max sentence was "2 years less a day"(provincial jail). Dad worked there until it closed and they opened a "Super Jail".
Olde Gaol Museum
Beautiful Trent Severn waterway. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by LOTS of lakes and the TSW.
Trent–Severn Waterway - Wikipedia