'65 Valiant/Barracuda Hood to Cowl Seal Correct Placement?

My final word on this:

a) I'm not positive what post #4 means by "Round edge goes toward the engine."

b) Looking at my own photo once again in post #1, I can see that the repaint did not include underhood or the area of the seal. The seal has obviously been installed there forever and I am now 99% sure is an original piece (one point for that orientation).

c) In post #3, 65dartcharger agrees that the orientation in post #1 is correct. 65dartcharger even refers to himself as a historian so he must be correct most of the time anyway (one more point for orientation in post #1)

d) Finding a drawing/sketch of the seal on page 15-1 of the 1965 Passenger Car Parts Catalog (Mopar official book) of the same seal on Valiant (upper sketch) and Dart (lower sketch) by way of using a magnifying glass, it appears the seal is facing the same way as in post #1 (one more point for orientation in post #1).

e) Finding a photo of my '65 Formula S before disassembly, it's difficult to see but I believe the seal is original and follows the orientation of post #1 (see below photo and give orientation #1 one more point).

That's four points for orientation #1 that I can't really ignore. Going with that installation method tomorrow unless I am convinced otherwise between now and then (lol).

Barracuda motor blue copy.jpg