Last one to post in this thread wins!

Good for you Mark , glad to hear your getting out. We haven't had any sun for days and the forecast is cloudy all week . But at least no snow .
The week doesn't look too bad here. Maybe some crap on Wed but no plans for that day. I go out tomorrow morning for a dermatologist yearly exam. for 7am. Like to keep on that as I had some keratosis burned off a few years and he always finds a couple on my head. Not as bad lately since I always wear a hat which I never did before. Have to be proactive about your health.
I washed the 300 up yesterday. It was awful but I had it undercoated a few weeks back and didn't want to wash it till the underneath had a chance to solidify before getting hit with the underspray and wash it off. All good now. I tried to detail it yesterday but was too dam cold on my arthritic hands.