Project Big Block 74

Go easy on me fellas looking for advice with cam selection or thoughts on this one
Eagle 4.125 crank & rods
Ported stealth heads worked over new Ferrera valves new 10° locks and retainers
Mancini HS rockers
Mahle pistons
Comp Solid endure x roller lifters
Bullet cams
264 271 @ 50
626/626 lift
105° lsa
This is all the info I currently have from the machine shop and I'm a total rookie here so tell me what ya think.
Mostly a street car but I would like to give my boss a run for his money one day he's running 10.6 if I can get to low 11s I would be pretty stoked
I know these heads will be the choke point we had them flowing 298@500 but its a start