Captainkirk's Duster project
Howdy, fellers! Yup, I'm still kicking, COVID be damned. I have put The Duke completely out of mind except to give him a cursory nod now and again as I walk around his shrouded corpse...and then last week my kid gets me turned on to watching some musclecar restos on the Motor Trend channel and now the damn wheels are grinding again. I know my biggest fault is to stop forward motion, which I am certainly guilty of! Every step, forward OR backward...or even motion. And with winter comin' on, it's probably exactly the wrong time of year to start thinking Duke again, but damned if I ain't...I'm really surprised (and a little touched, even!) that some of you are still following a trail (this thread) that's gone cold. Guess I owe you all something, as well as the Duke, who as been so patient and forgiving of my transgressions. So, I will try to map out some sort of a plan and get these seized wheels turning again before I'm too freaking old to go out and tear up some asphalt (ain't happened yet, as anyone who lives in my neighborhood and knows my bikes can attest)
Thanks for sticking with me.