why a custom built converter isn't for everyone....

you do realize, I'm sure, that nobody knows the absolute correct answer. Call 2 of the best cam grinders (or converter companies) you know and give the same info. Don't tell them that you called both of them. Let them both grind you cam, and I don't think every characteristic of the will be the same. Even though both "work", which one is wrong? Or is there two right answers.... ???

No kidding? I get that. The difference is you build a relationship over the PHONE with a cam grinder, a converter guy, a clutch guy...whatever. Then you’ll get what you need.

When I was ordering 8-10 cams a month I stopped using the phone, and faxed in the details. They would fax back what they wanted and if I didn’t see something I thought was wacky, I signed off on it and 4-5 days later it was at the shop.

And not a single one of those cams didn’t do what I wanted. Not one.

It’s the same with converters. When I call PTC I get the same guy, every time. If he’s not there, I call back.

You can set up all the straw men you want, but it’s 2021 and this shouldn’t even be a question.