your pets.

Ours was a rescue, also. She came from a breeder who was doing their own distemper shots. They nicked a nerve and her back end wouldn't work. They brought her in to the vet where my cousin works. They didn't want to put any money in her so they said put her down. My cousin had them sign off on her and took her home. Worked with her a couple days and she was up and wobbling. We took her and continued to work with her. A little sickly the first year. Wouldn't know it now. Nothing slows her down. Runs like the wind. Definitely has a voice. Spoiled rotten!

Sounds just like mine! My last dog a black German Shepard we got from the vet my daughter works at. The people (*** holes) wanted to put her down so they could get a puppy! My daughter and the vet had them sign her over. She was 2 years old. We got her and what a loving girl. Lost her less than a year ago. Miss her soooo much.
