35 mph WOT power loss

Tony told me to get a double pumper a couple times as well. I bought the avs2 because I read they were the easier ones...

I have a newer vb with part throttle kick down... with a tf2 kit. It needs the pressure adjusted on the vb a bit though. I also don't know how to adjust it to have part throttle kick down... it has never done that for me...

What do you mean still using the governor? Doesn't it have to be in the vb? Per the directions of the tf2 kit it needed machined, in my early 904 vb it was already correctly machined, the later 904 vb it is not machined and I didnt have the stuff to machine it myself and covid had everything shut down when Tony and I rebuilt the transmission...

I have a really nice Holley 600 DP if you are interested.