35 mph WOT power loss

Governer weights? Is that the governer in the vb? The kit says to machine my stock governer in the vb, can I buy a completely new one already done?

You say throttle valve, you mean the kd linkage right? That is set correct right now, I wish I could video it and post it here. You could all listen to my wife complain about having to press the gas pedal again lol.

I always listen to and do what you suggest :) others... sometimes not so much :p I promise, I've done the whole kd linkage so many times.. kinda like taking the vb apart, I feel as if I know it like the back of my hand lol.

Yes, you can get pre-made governor weights and springs (I think there's a spring involved, can't remember for sure). The governor is in the tail housing on the output shaft. It's not in the vb. It controls shift timing and line pressure based on driveshaft rpm (changing rear gears often means the governor needs to be tweaked). If I remember right, there's quite a few choices so I'd call the vendors to see what they suggest. Fine tuning is often needed but it's not too hard based on what I remember.

Yes, by throttle lever I mean the kickdown. Specifically the kickdown lever on the trans.