
Been on them for over a decade because of my back. Had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted in February. Didn't do much for my back but completely eliminated all of my sciatic pain. Had a Vertiflex put in the beginning of November. Pain level dropped substantially. Decided it was time to try and get off the Opiods.
Was taking 80mg a day. Been 2 weeks or so. Down to 45mg a day....and seriously struggling. Go from feeling like I'm on fire to feeling like I'm in a freezer. Dizzy/light headed. Nausea. Yesterday I hurt. Wasn't just my back....head to toe.
Had some errands to run. Thought I missed the turn I needed to make so I turned around...drove a minute or two before I realized I hadn't even made it to the turn...I was 4 miles away from it.
Really beginning to wonder if I can do this...
Never been through what you are trying to do, but my recommendation would be to get professional assistance. There are folks that are experts in helping to resolve dependencies. If I knew what to say to help you, I would, but I don’t know. So my advice is, find the expert. And that may not be one person, it may be a support group. You are going in the right direction, no need to go it alone.