Stop in for a cup of coffee

You know I wouldn't rely on the media for any virus information. They've been so wrong on so many things during this pandemic...JMO.
All true. Still worth monitoring on the unlikely event they are right.
They do tell you what you want to hear. Personally I doubt any one really has this figured out and we are just shooting from the hip.
yep! Said that all along, which is why we’re not getting this vaccine willingly.

I kind of like Sky news pretty straight forward. Started watching newsmax, not sure what to think of thier UNBIASED reporting.
I just started with newsmax. I like it better than even BBC who I felt was one of the least biased networks.

It finally passed Congress...

I can't post this too often....

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not going to go full politics here, but I think this stimulus is utter bullshit. Not the part about helping Americans out and returning to them some of their tax dollars, but the bullshit where they’re giving the tax payers 600 bucks back but sending BILLIONS of those dollars overseas to places like Egypt and China, 1.4 billion to China!! Like wtf, these fuckers started this ****. Go read it the bill summary on it spells out exactly where the money is going, over half of it is going to foreign countries. Pisses me off so much.American tax payers should not be the world’s piggy bank.

If trump signs this, he needs his *** kicked, same for Biden and any and everyone regardless of party affiliation who voted for this damn thing. Keep our tax dollars here, in our country. We have plenty of people suffering.