
Been on them for over a decade because of my back. Had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted in February. Didn't do much for my back but completely eliminated all of my sciatic pain. Had a Vertiflex put in the beginning of November. Pain level dropped substantially. Decided it was time to try and get off the Opiods.
Was taking 80mg a day. Been 2 weeks or so. Down to 45mg a day....and seriously struggling. Go from feeling like I'm on fire to feeling like I'm in a freezer. Dizzy/light headed. Nausea. Yesterday I hurt. Wasn't just my back....head to toe.
Had some errands to run. Thought I missed the turn I needed to make so I turned around...drove a minute or two before I realized I hadn't even made it to the turn...I was 4 miles away from it.
Really beginning to wonder if I can do this...
The trick is to slow down. Don't try and quit soo fast. Cut back very, very slowly. You said "Was taking 80mg a day. Been 2 weeks or so. Down to 45mg a day". That's cutting back pretty fast!! There's no rush as long as you feel OK. If you cut back by 5mg every 3 or 4 weeks you'll still get to zero eventually and you won't get as many side effects. What's the hurry??? Give your body time to adjust. I tried to get off some meds too fast and I crashed because I was in a hurry........I learned the hard way that there's no rush as long as you get to you're goal!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

FYI - You should change your FABO name you just "Junkie"....at least temporarily!!!!:poke::poke::poke::BangHead::BangHead: GOOD LUCK!!