Stop in for a cup of coffee

John, Its the cigars that are more of a problem than the beer. At home, sometimes I'll go 2 or 3 weeks without a drink. But, I'll huff 4 cigars a day out in my shop. Difficult to hide that in a closed hotel room, so I've been weening myself down. 2, then 1, now down to 1/2 midday and 1/2 after dinner. Standing by the window ( which barely opens ) and blowing most of the smoke outside. Not really a pleasurable endeavor. I'll get at least 10 days free out in the city, before I can get to Saigon.....:thumbsup:
I have several VNs that work for me, they migrate back and forth and I really don’t worry to much about it. They work so hard when they are here it makes it easy to grant a 3-4 week time span off to go home. They are in same pickle you are right now. None of them are traveling back and forth due to complexity of international travel at present. Great guys, I love it when we eat together as I am not a heavy red meat eater and their diet suits me as I like to eat a lot of veggies and seem to cook far more rice based dishes than potato. I have been trying to learn more Mandarin as I think I might need it in the years to come.