Carb issue?

6900! holeeeee.

Is there a better grind cam that you would suggest that would work with current setup?

I'd like to but, that is beyond my comfort zone.
What are you trying to achieve.
I can only tell you what the Wallace Calculator predicts.

Here is the Ica (Intake Closing Angle) number for decent pressure
Static compression ratio of 12.2:1.
Ica of 60*
Effective stroke is 3.25 inches.
Your dynamic compression ratio is 10.10:1 .
Your dynamic cranking pressure is 182.97 PSI.
V/P (Volume to Pressure Index) is 183

But notice the ridiculously high V/P of 183
This would make a low-rpm tire-shredder, but at only 60* Ica, the top-end power is gonna be severely limited. Awesome tow-truck engine.

Here it is with a more typical Ica of 68*
Ica of 68* @6900
Static compression ratio of 12.2:1.
Effective stroke is 3.04 inches.
Your dynamic compression ratio is 9.51:1 .
Your dynamic cranking pressure is 167.03 PSI.
V/P (Volume to Pressure Index) is 156
Now the pressure is coming up nicely, and the V/P is about what I run which makes an excellent streeter

Here is about the latest Ica I would run in that hi-altitude engine
Static compression ratio of 12.2:1.
Ica of 72* @6900
Effective stroke is 2.92 inches.
Your dynamic compression ratio is 9.18:1 .
Your dynamic cranking pressure is 158.21 PSI.
V/P (Volume to Pressure Index) is 142
this pressure is not bad,and
The V/P is now a typical 360 cube number closer to sealevel, still strong but nothing to brag about.

Here is what your current combo might look like
Static compression ratio of 12.2:1.
Ica of 82*
Effective stroke is 2.61 inches.
Your dynamic compression ratio is 8.31:1 .
Your dynamic cranking pressure is 135.34 PSI.
V/P (Volume to Pressure Index) is 109
Those numbers look like a smog-era 318, at ~800ft

Read about V/P here;
V/P Index Calculation

What it means;
If you want hi-rpm power, go for an Ica of 72*
If you want a Mac-Truck, go for Ica of 60*
If you want a bit of both, go for Ica of 68*

If you want ALL OF IT, switch to a Solid lifter cam of ~72 to maybe 76*, after lashing. This will pick up the bottom end with the shorter ramps.

How to get it;
Aye that's the 64 dollar question.

But hey, you paid a lotta money and spent a lotta time on getting the Eddy cam in there, and I wouldn't be in a hurry to give it the heave-ho. As far as I can tell, it will be a decent driver if you give her what she wants. And once she gets up on the cam it should be a real hard charger.