Carb issue?

This isn’t meant as any kind of “dig” at anyone....... more of an observation from being in this business for a long time.

“Most” people aren’t really very good at tuning, or even more so.....modifying..... carbs.
When the carb in question seems to be as mismatched for the engine combo as the OP’s does........ most people are going to be lost in terms of what kinds of mods would be required to actually correct it so it was close to 100% good.
Sometimes this is necessary....... like in NHRA stock and SS, where most cars are required to run the correct oe carb.
And those don’t offer any kind of low speed drivability with the big cams that are used in those classes.
So, the circuits are modified and recalibrated out of necessity.

The people that really understand how the carbs function...... don’t need to go on line and ask how to tune/modify the carb.
They understand how it works, and just dive right in.

So, when you have one that still doesn’t even come close to providing satisfactory drivability after you’ve messed with all the things you currently know how to do....... then it’s very likely some “modifications” are going to be required(not “adjustments”).

As with about 99% of the advice gleaned from the Internet...... there will be several schools of thought on exactly what modifications need to be done.
How does the person who falls into the ranks of people who don’t “know” how to go about it already, determine which advice they should follow?
And, do they really “understand” why they’re doing the suggested mods?

Of course, in the OP’s case....... he doesn’t have a combo where it’s “required” that he use this carb that appears to be a poor match for the application....... and could just install a more appropriate part that didn’t need modifications performed for it to run properly.

Or...... decide that he wants to learn to be someone who in the future doesn’t need to come on line for carb advise.

I don’t see it being feasible to actually “learn” how to modify carbs by perusing forums on line.
Get some carb books, read them until what they’re talking about really clicks....... then, getting on some of the carb forums will help guide the direction you need to go, and the suggested mods will be “understood”.
There’s a lot of trial and error when you’re working through a new combo.
Ultimately....... there is no substitute for getting your hands dirty and seeing if the mods do what you’re hoping for.