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A friend of ours had been feeding their dog some of that Chinesium food for most of his life, he suffered liver and kidney failure at a fairly young age and had to be euthanized.
We buy ours from Costco, at least for the 2 younger ones, and we make all of the meals for our now 12 year old Anatolian Shepherd. We also make all of their treats now too.

We'll never go back to any of the mainstream grocery store foods. All of their nutritional information is readily available online and there's NONE of it whose sole ingredient is meat. I don't give a damn what their bullshit marketing says. 4Health's main ingredient is chicken. It is a 100% meat based pet food. Cats and dogs are carnivores. They a steady diet of meat. We love our babies. We've actually gone without so that they gee the good food they need. They caint go to the Tractor Supply and get it themselves.