Ontario Canada restoration shops.

You won't get the cars body work and paint work done for $30,000 Cdn, let alone a bunch of metal work.... just a rude fact of life.

That was my original plan, "scuff and paint this ***** for 20 to 30 and drive her". That plan went out the window in a hurry and once you've paid to have the car stripped of 3 layers of paint with a razor blade and then the car bottom blasted to dust, do you take the mess home or do you let them carry on??? The other thing with restoration shops, you keep them paid every month or your car goes back a "cog" in the waiting line..

As for rechroming costing more than buying repops, it's a wash and most reproduction stuff is junk. I showed up one day and my stuff had already been sent to House of Chrome for a quote. Was too late at that point as they are also a 3 to 6 month waiting line up, so once it was there I just bought another jar of vasoline. "Who wants nice shiny paint and scratched, pitted and dull chrome and stainless trim" is what I got told and in the end he was spot on with that advise...