Well the tank came in yesterday. I got it installed and thought I would let you know how it went. I have car on a lift. I use a transmission Jack to hold the tank in place. I first installed the sender / pickup first. I had placed the filler neck gasket in the Sun to soften it up. I then used a product called Fluid Film and coat the gasket after I installed it in the tank. I cleaned the filler neck real good and I media blasted the first 6” that goes into the tank. I then sprayed FF on the neck a smeared it around. I remove the separate vent line that comes on Pre 69’s. I then hunk the tank and installed the tank straps very loose. I then lowered the car and was able to install the filler neck with the floor seal installed on it. I really went in easy. From there it was a matter of positioning the tank where I wanted it and tightened the strap J hooks. Then all that was left was the floor seal, 4 body screws to filler neck and reinstall vent tube.
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