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My kink in my neck is starting to go in the right direction.... I still need some more treatments, but it's getting better a little at a time..., my wife and my daughter have a chiropractor that we see regularly. I have been using chiropractors for the better part of 35 years.

I also know when they can help and when I have to work on the issue myself before what they do will be effective.

In this case, I spent all yesterday afternoon and evening doing the stretches and muscle work. Today again, starting this morning. As of now, my spine is releasing and moving as it should.

However, the muscle spasms and pain from the insult injury are still continuing..but diminishing slowly. It will take a week to heal at least.

The second my spine locks and won’t move, it’s chiropractor time.

Thanks for the thoughts and advice, it is always welcome.