From the rusty hardware parts department of WTF

I have something like a dust pan,v shaped so it will dump back into can easily.
I have a dust pan for this stuff. I had a big plastic tub full of non certed aircraft hardware. The companys management went thru everybodies tool box and rounded up all the "scrounge" as we all called it. If it wasnt in a ziplock bag with the material cert paperwork that went with it, it was considered SUP. Suspected Unapproved Parts. In the plastic tub it went.

In the end they had a huge plastic tub full of everything from rivets, to screws, cotter pins, braided grounding straps, brackets, galley latches, etc. You name it hardware wise, it was there. Even a lavatory dump handle lol. I asked them if I could buy it, and it will never come back on site. $40 and that 40 lbs of mixed **** was mine. Then the process of dumping it out and sorting it out began. I bought plastic gladware tubs with snap lids and it took almost a week of evenings to sort it out. For small stuff, this is my go to magic bolt box. I will never have to buy a cotter pin as long as I live. I have hundreds of stainless steel ones about the right size for suspension and wheel bearing work. I am probably going to get some cheapo screw top plastic containers from walmart for this other mess so I can sort it.