Stop in for a cup of coffee
We don't have a portfolio with stocks and such. The wife has some she needs to switch. The fees are about equal to the dividends. We have a couple small Roth IRA's that have been paying 12% or so. Might need to increase those a bit.
Saw earlier that the nationwide portfolio gain, both in 401ks and Roth’s, was 2.72% on the year. I netted 68.55 %, not counting my company’s match or my own contributions. And that’s all thanks to staying situational aware.
see in Feb 2020 when China shut down Wuhan, within minutes of that announcement, I moved out of stocks and corporate bonds , and into 100 percent US bonds. Very very conservative but they paid a guaranteed 2.12 percent minimum return. At the time of the move, I was up 6 percent. Three weeks later, when the US flatlined and shut everything down, I lost 3 percent, and hovered about that +3 percent overall, meanwhile the average account took a minus 30% and change loss. When I thought the market was at its bottom in mid March, I pushed all back to a 70/30, stocks/government bond holding. By early June, I was back up 33%, August I started approaching 60 percent. In Early October, using history as a guide, I expected a pull back. So I pushed all back to government bonds. Since then, I’ve only gained an additional 11.42 percent, that part was a mistake cause I missed out on an additional 5 percent gain had I stayed where I was. But it bucked history so go figure.
I think ill stay bonds thru this month. Really thinking Feb/March will either go real bad again, or it’ll go real good, depending on who/what happens surrounding this coronavirus stuff. If the big time tourist spots stay on lock down thru spring break, I think we’ll see another “crash”. If this vaccine is proven safe and works and the curve starts to flatten, it’s gonna go boom