Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

I guess i became a member in the "heart club" on Nov. 30th when i went into the hospital for a "valve job" valve replacement, on my heart.
I now have a cow valve replacement in me. lol
Up until a year ago, lets say, i didn't even know that i had a heart problem.
It all started with one of my regular 6 month check up's with my hematologist - oncologist doctor for a white blood cell, bone marrow problem, that i also have.
He didn't like what he was hearing through the stethoscope.
That led to all kinds of tests on my heart.
So it led up to the operation on Nov 30th.
Guess if i didn't get operated on, i was just waiting for the time bomb to go off, with a stroke, or heart attack, then putting me 6 feet under.
I guess you can call that my "widow maker" issue, even though i never have been married.
I guess we can get inflicted with a kinds of heart disease issues in this human lifetime.
I'm 67, so i got to see 2021 come in, and now i get to see 68, at the end of this month.