Weight loss and perseverance

I had a conversation with my neighbor today about my weight loss and how I’m doing it. Like pretty much every one of these conversations, they follow along with the concept of eating less than you burn...but it always gets stalled when they ask “How do I know what my calorie burn rate is?”

I have been putting together tons of information as part of writing a book and was ready this time. I gave him the chart I put together that tells men age 40-70 how figure out their starting point for calorie burn.

This chart uses the equations for calculating Base Metabolic Rate for age height, weight and a typical physical activity level. This chart gets 99% of people within 100 calories per day of what their actual burn rate is.

I thought I would share it here...


I also have a quick reference chart that is a bit less detailed and not quite as accurate, but still gets people close. This one is for men 40-70 years old between 5’10” and 6’2” tall.


Once I have given people that information, it makes the conversation a lot more productive as I show them how to create a calorie intake plan and how to adjust it over time as caloric burn changes. Being able to visualize it seems to help a lot.

Here is my chart and you can see how the step changes in calorie intake are planned to work with the change in burn rate. Also note that the changes in intake get smaller the less I weigh. This is because of the change in burn rate becoming less as I get lighter. At 315 lbs, my burn rate was around 10.5 calories per pound, but it is around 12.5 calories per pound at my target weight.
