Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

A-fib here, I see my cardiologist 2-3 times per year. So far, no signs of any other trouble with all his testing...but every time I have an episode of my heart feeling like a flopping fish in my chest, it’s an unnervingly stressful time. I’m on Xarelto blood thinner to reduce stroke risk from those events, but still...you never know when the next time might be the last.

I’m only 57 years old, but my dad had the same issue and lived to be 84 without it becoming more serious. Fingers crossed it will be the same for me.

Oh wow, I have afib too. Had multiple cardioversions (IIRC, four of them) and two ablations at Mayo. None of them were successful long term (longest was about two days). Cardiologist told me I was a "difficult" patient and asked if I was interested in a third ablation. I told him that I liked cars and have a saying about working on them "if you screw with something long enough you will end up breaking it". Asked if I could have a normal lifespan with afib, he said with the severity I have I could. Sealed the deal. It is interesting when I go into a Dr. for anything when the nurse takes my vitals she looks at me and goes "afib?" Just as a comment, I was on two capsules of Prevacid for acid reflux for years. One of my Dr.'s said it may help my afib if I cut that down or eliminated taking it. Couldn't stop but I am down to one capsule and my afib is better. But who knows?