Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

One of the scary things about this whole heart attach deal was going through Cardiac Rehab. Our time was divided up into the physical and mental side of having and surviving one. Depression is something to watch out for after suffering one, and we were told almost everyone goes through at least one “false alarm” thinking they are having another one. 8-10 of us gathered around a table for a discussion and we were asked why did we live when many don’t, why did we go to the hospital when many don’t. I answers were amazing because the signs of a heart attach came in many forms and aren’t always the chest pain, pain down the arm, and being tired.

Boy that is the truth. After my heart attack, every little chest pain of any kind sent me into orbit. One chest pain turned into a panic attack that was so severe they sent me to the hospital by ambulance. After a couple months of this I had a chest pain and said, screw this crap, I'm going to either live or die and started running stairs in the boiler house. Well, 20 minutes later I'm sweating and panting but alive. Never worried about those minor pains again. I'm not saying I'm ignoring anything but I'm not paranoid about every little twinge.