90's Durango - Mechanic told friend to scrap

Thanks for the reply. The more I think about it with the mileage, I am not sure it would be worth it to dig in further. I found a bunch of videos about the valve keeper or rocker arm popping off, plus you're right about it being out of time. Something had to have happened on the inside the front cover, or maybe the cam gear.
To be honest I’ve never owned or worked on a 4.7. Only heard the stories and read the posts. But I have worked on a lot of stuff that has slipped time and that’s what they sound like. And a 4.7 is an interference engine and if it slips time it will bend stuff. Sounds like that’s what’s going on. Is it worth fixing? From what I’ve read, no. But I’ve proven that wrong doing my own work in the past so you probably could with a few trips to the wrecking yard and some new parts.