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They studied it enough to figure out the time between the first and second doses will be 21 days and if we immunize tens of thousands of people with the second doses the vaccine will still be effective if it's a month or more between doses. These people aren't a bunch of hacks. Nor is their first rodeo. They didn't start this vaccine from scratch. They just needed to modify an existing vaccine to work on this particular strain.
I would expect it will still improve immunity on second dose at 6 months. Will it be 90%? Could be less. Could be better...
I don’t know when the vaccine was done to start testing. Hopefully by now they have data for 2-3 months. They can extrapolate the data to get the likely conclusion. But until they have the time for testing that, they don’t know. in the meantime, they have to make decisions to get the most people protected, and they apparently decided more people with some protection is better than few with high protection.