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They brand new ARP studs.

Studs or bolts, they all stretch when you loosen and retorque them... If you do that too many times, the bolt or stud will stretch so much it will start to neck down and make a weak spot that may fail under heavy load... Every time that you torque a rod or main bolt, it stretches about .0005" to .002"... Keep doing it and it will stretch the bolt where it will neck down to smaller diameter and get weak...

Fastener engineering would allow 5 clamp cycles on the rod bolts, we got to use three at the engine factory and had to save one for service and another for a rebuild in the field...

The rods used one clamp cycle on the rod line when they torqued the cap to the rod and machined the crank bore, so the engine line could only use a rod twice before scapping it... We could only recycle a rod once on the engine line as that would be our second clamp cycle...