Now for something serious.

who knows

we're just taking it day by day
about a month ago, she got admitted to the ICU with a brain infection
that particular diagnosis had a 30% survival rate

she made it through that allright and made it back home about 2 weeks later but she didnt make it through unscathed

we dont know if it is the toll of the disease or the anti seizure drugs they put her on (kepra), but she has been a lot more sleepy since she made it back home

off course, she sleeps more, she eats less and it all snowballs from there

my wife got the neurologist to change her dosing of kepra to a longer acting one, which i need to pick up as soon as it gets filled and hopefully that will knock the sleepiness down some and she will recover a bit more of her mobility

but in the end, you know she's gonna die, you just hope its in a way that leaves her her dignity
My mom had Parkinson’s the exact opposite she was sharp as a tack brain firing on all cylinders she just couldn’t control her motor actions. Near the end she couldn’t make it to washroom without help couldn’t feed herself. But to talk to her was like she was when she lived at home by herself. Can’t imagine what that would be like able to think and process and no body control to do anything. Use to pray my dad would come get his bride and he did suffering over now.