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What makes me nervous anymore isn't the Covid-19 that they have a vaccine for, it's these new mutations I'm hearing about, like in South Africa, who probably got it from Europe. Supposedly more contagious, don't know if current vaccine covers it (it may).
So I was talking to my wife’s boss about that. He’s the doctor that owns the practice. I guess he went to China years ago for both Ebola and SARS 1. He said that the mutations in the long run are a good thing. He said viruses are living organisms just like everything else. They mutate to survive. How they survive is by infecting their host. As such, those with weaker systems get sick first, once those are thinned out, they attack stronger and so on and so on. However, they’ll reach a point where the virus has to mutate to remain viable. When a virus mutates, it loses its lethality, to a point. But it becomes more contagious. So the numbers go up, but the percentages of death drop. He said it happened much quicker with Ebola and SARS 1 than Covid 19. But he said that the science of that is holding true.