1969 Dodge Dart Swinger clean up
Borrowed the Wife's single burner to heat up the Corn Head grease... don't tell her. Heat and stir..
..and pour in the steering box filler hole. I kept running the box back and forth full travel and adding semi-liquefied grease until it was almost full.
Installing the Lower Control Arm (LCA) pivot shaft and bushing.
Bushing fully seated.
The last 1/8" or so on the bushing push takes about 5 tons.
Touching up the Cosmoline on the ends of the torsion bar socket, that was squashed off in the press.
All the new steering and suspension parts laid out to insure I have everything I need. Upper ball joints and control arm bushings were recently changed, so they're already on the car.
All parts sprayed with T-9 Boeshield.
I'm sure I probably forgot some piece of hardware, but hopefully I have everything coated to assemble the entire K frame and front suspension.