Transfer/Transition slot adjustment
Finally getting our 600 vac/sec "tuned" and wondering if there is a good way to set the transfer slot exposure while the carb is installed. Looks like the only way to set it is with the idle screw, but if someone touches that, it's gonna be off.
Is the idea to set it off car, then install, and set idle using mixture and timing?
Pishta/Del have you covered.
What cam, what engine,what heads, what cylinder pressure?
If your cam is smaller than a 276/286/110, and your pressure is 185 or less, and we are talking a 360; then.
I can idle mine down to 550 rpm in gear (4-speed), and pulling itself at 3.9 mph with 3.55s, a 750DP/AirGap, and
timing of 5* BTDC.
The point is this; when you get the fuel level right and stable, and the transfer slot to idle-port discharge synchronized just right, then she will act like a stocker. Remember this; the factory idle-timing on all the hi-compression 340s was? you guessed it, 5* advance.
Pay attention to the Tslot sync and never mind the idle timing. Your engine will want up to ~30* of idle timing, the greedy beotch. But if you try to give her what she wants at idle, You will have other kinds of problems.
I suggest to start at 14*, depending on what exactly your combo is. And you will need to slow the rate of advance,unless you have a very hi-stall TC.