Another "Is Fuel Injection a Worthwhile Upgrade?" Question

Yall give me some opinions here. I had a good friend just GIVE ME one of these the other day.

Quick Fuel SL-450-VS Quick Fuel Slayer Series Carburetors | Summit Racing

He bought it NEW and could not get it to run right on a Ford 300. I insisted on giving him something for it, because it's only a month old, but he was havin none of it. I brought it home and he had the secondaries adjusted so the transfer slots were not visible and the primaries were showing almost all the slots, plus the electric choke was adjusted so tight, it hurts your finger to stick it in there. I still have a kit for it and plan on using it on the long rod 225 I am building. I think it will run quite well.

Good possibility it came out of the box that way.

You may want to measure the T slots and the T slot feeds. I’ve seen some wacky stuff and that will make off idle and cruise issues that will drive you nuts.