Your first car.

My 1st was a 1968 SS 396 Chevelle, 325 HP. automatic in 1972. I was a youngin & ruined it by jacking it up, way to big of a cam & so on. My mom broke her ankle & the only car she could drive was my Chevelle, she borrowed it one day for a trip to town & got a speeding ticket in it. It idled so high that in gear it would go pretty fast & she got a speeding ticket in a school zone. I ended up selling the Chevelle a year later & bought the 1969 Swinger 340 4-speed. (picture taken in 1974) I had it for a while, sold it & bought it back. I used to race my buddy home after High School was out for the day, he had a 69 Road Toad, Sadly cancer overwhelmed it. This day & age I'm sure it could have been fixed up. I still have 2 1969 Swingers that I have owned since the late 70's.
Sorry, the Chevelle pictures are off a home movie my mom took.


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