Wrenchin' toonz

OK, gonna be looking at a lot of late nights and weekend rampages in the garage, and under The Duke coming up once the weather breaks. The best way to get inspired is to turn on some great car tunes (as opposed to cartoons). Bruce Springsteen's "Born To Run" is always a really inspirational CD, but it doesn't last long. As we all know, wrenching tunes are very different from cruising tunes. Wrenching tunes need to be about bad-*** cars. I need some suggestions for knuckle-busting vibes to get me revved up for what I hope will prove to be a record season for The Duke...and me...and counting on you guys to steer me in the right direction on some inspirational toonz. Let 'em rip. Oh, and I like my tunes like I like my cars...from the sixties and seventies mostly.