Stop in for a cup of coffee

That sounds like something I could handle. I an pretty sensitive I guess. Funerals aren't my thing. Easy to get emotional if you know what I mean. Soft hearted I guess.
Nah, I get it. There’s no such thing as soft hearted or not. The local funeral director cries at every single funeral. He’s been doing it for nearly 50 years.

death affects everyone living differently.
I’m nervous about my composure on this as well. More so than dealing with the giant draft horses. See the playing of Taps will get me every time. It has since August 4th, 2008. Last year, they played taps at the end of my daughter’s Veterans Day play and I was rolling the tears. Wife started to make fun but quickly cut it off. The end of American Sniper, the movie, with the full taps playing has me bawling every-time.