[WANTED] Early A Slant to V8 mounts

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Mar 4, 2012
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Hey guys looking for a set of Slant to V8 mounts for the early A. I can either buy or borrow just to get a template made. Since Shumacher is no longer around I was going to make an attempt at making a few mounts.
Just one thing about Transdapt is they will come with rubber, if you want polyloc mounts you buy both the V8 set and the Truck set and use one of each like I did... that said, I have one of each left...

Not a knock, great mounts and great company, called before I bought and they told me what the rubber mounts were so I knew I could mix parts like that.
I am out of experience after my last post so hopefully someone else will come along and chime in. I’m only barely good on the 67-72 and 73-76 since I’m working on a 72 Duster with a mix of 73 parts...

I own a 1966 Dart but left it stock and went to a 67-up A body cause aftermarket support is better for this kind of stuff.
Hey guys looking for a set of Slant to V8 mounts for the early A. I can either buy or borrow just to get a template made. Since Shumacher is no longer around I was going to make an attempt at making a few mounts.
Please specify;
Year car and what V-8 engine. Are you looking for the engine "brackets" and/or the insulators?
Please specify;
Year car and what V-8 engine. Are you looking for the engine "brackets" and/or the insulators?
1965 Valiant. Either 318 or 360 not sure yet. Probably use a magnum but want to go with the LA mounts. I know the 318 and 360 have a slight difference on the one side as far as mounts
Simple. You don't need adapters. All the K frames are the same in the early A bodies. Slant or V8. Just use the stock 273 mounts and modify them or use spacers to fit the block. Why is this difficult?
Hey guys looking for a set of Slant to V8 mounts for the early A. I can either buy or borrow just to get a template made. Since Shumacher is no longer around I was going to make an attempt at making a few mounts.

Keep in mind you will need the V8 center drop link too
Simple. You don't need adapters. All the K frames are the same in the early A bodies. Slant or V8. Just use the stock 273 mounts and modify them or use spacers to fit the block. Why is this difficult?
This is my first A body period that I've owned. I know alittle just from reading.
This is my first A body period that I've owned. I know alittle just from reading.

I understand. Now you know. I BELIEVE the only thing you'll need is a spacer or two on the driver's side. That is for a 360. I THINK the 318 would be a bolt in. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
I understand. Now you know. I BELIEVE the only thing you'll need is a spacer or two on the driver's side. That is for a 360. I THINK the 318 would be a bolt in. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Think that’s correct, could even use some extra washers to make up the difference
I understand. Now you know. I BELIEVE the only thing you'll need is a spacer or two on the driver's side. That is for a 360. I THINK the 318 would be a bolt in. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
It will depend on the actual block being used. The early 273 only used 3 bosses on each side of the block for the brackets. Some 318/340/360 block used either 4 on each side (good) or 3, but a different three. If that's the case, you need to cut off an ear off the mount and weld it to where it will bolt to the ear on the block. If you use the 273 brackets on a 340/360, you also need to narrow the bracket on one side, or use washers to take up the difference in width.
It will depend on the actual block being used. The early 273 only used 3 bosses on each side of the block for the brackets. Some 318/340/360 block used either 4 on each side (good) or 3, but a different three. If that's the case, you need to cut off an ear off the mount and weld it to where it will bolt to the ear on the block. If you use the 273 brackets on a 340/360, you also need to narrow the bracket on one side, or use washers to take up the difference in width.
I figure if I can get even a factory set and make them work I can use those as a template and make a few for others in need. I work in a fab shop so I have use of a burn table and press
Here are the ones that I have, no center link.



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