If you have been involved with a Terminal cancer patient step on in...

Found out that there are three ladies on the street that i reside on, have cancer.
I know this because i'm the old man that walks around my neighborhood all the time, and they have confided in me.
One told me, she's not doing anything about it anymore, and will just now take it day by day.
Another i don't see, as she now never seems to come out of the house.
I just see her daughter, every so often coming or going from work.
The third is doing the best one can, but who knows for how long.
I am respectful to them all, if i see them, and hope nothing like that befalls me, in my old age.
I have a bone marrow, white blood cell, mutation, disease, cancer, (whatever you wan't to call it) that if it mutates, i get leukemia.
Do i have a time bomb waiting to go off? Dunno.
Hematologist says it won't happen, but who can guarantee that, in this life on top of planet Earth.
And i just went thru heart surgery on Nov. 30th.
I'm a walking, medical disaster area. lol
Jim V.