How many times have you been ripped of in a car or parts deal???

I found a away to foil the switch by shops. I engrave the last 4 digits of my SSN & the last 4 of my DL in inconspicuous areas of parts I drop off & I take pictures. I check for those numbers when my stuff is returned. If my numbers aren't there, I break out the pictures & we have a discussion. I've only have one machine shop get over on me & it involved a high dollar set of ported & polished cylinder heads. We had a good old fashioned fist fight before I left & had him arrested for theft & assault. I never got the heads back, but his business didn't survive much longer, either. The arrest was written up in the local paper & was on the local news. From there, a lot of hobbyists, local hot rodders, & racers avoided his shop. The shop folded within two months of the incident & he disappeared for parts unknown. Someone told me he passed away not long ago. Good riddance to thieves!