Hi Jeff. I was in the auto-glass trade for 18 yrs and weaned on these cars. There should be a clip about every 6-8 inches. If the clip is just pushed forward and won't hold the molding. Simply cut a piece of rubber and slide it in between the clip and the rubber. To remove the molding you should be able to buy the proper tool from an automotive supply shop. Being from Canada I'm not familiar with some of the business names. Is it Pet Boys? They are fairly cheap. The tool goes down between the molding and the rubber and you should be able to feel the clip. You can practice on the old molding. I see someone had given you a picture what the tool looks like. If the clip is broken you can sneak the new clip in place. You can buy a GM clip that you can use or a Ford one will also work. The GM one is on the left (red) or the Ford one on the right (green). You just have to be careful. You won't break the glass because it's protected buy the gasket.
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If you have any questions just ask. I'd be happy to help you