Stop in for a cup of coffee

Today is a bittersweet day for my family. It is hard to watch our parents grow old and pass away. But for me it is even harder to watch their mind deteriorate to the point where simple tasks become life threatening. To keep our mom safe we placed her in Valley View nursing home in Belleville. When we delivered her to her new home we felt she will be well taken care of but at the same time it was hard to leave her there knowing our visits may not happen with all the covid restrictions. For those dealing with the same family challenges I wish God's peace in your lives. It is hard but for us as a family we felt it necessary. God Bless!
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I know what you mean. My mom is 94 and was sharp as a tack 6 months ago. She has been seeing things and forgetting details etc. It could be from Covid. She had it mildly last year. It could just be old age. We had her tested for a UTI and it was negative. She has had a evalution and it was good but something isn't quite right. Take care and enjoy every minute.