100 cfm more with anular and downleg boosters can't beat AFR

No I don't. I agree they take up a lot of space in venturi.
I never thought they were going to put such big boosters in! My understanding was they were going to be something like a truck avenger booster - and in all 4.
So one reason I bought a relatively unmolested 3310-2 is to compare.
Unfortunately while now I have more time, getting time at a track or on a dyno is now more difficult. Such is life.
Got it. Thanks. I’ve heard they do reduce flow quite a bit. But I have no data to support that. If you’re interested I have a 3310-6 center here with no choke horn and radiused entries I could send you for testing. It just came off my big block for a CSU blow through. I’ll send it to you if you’d like. Just send it back when you’re done and post the data.