X-Head Porting....

Been reading the threads on porting.. watching videos... also got some heads to practice on before destroying my xheads on my car... Thanks aarcuda.

Has anyone watched the uncle Tony videos on YouTube? I like his basic talk to me I can understand what he is saying. He does have a valve seat video which I'll link, is this ok to do or a big no no? I can't do a machine shop run and Tony (asrcuda) said my valves looked fine, but should I do a day valve seat job like in the video as well?

I just got my burrs from Mcfaddendales (dang they were more than the grinder from Harbor Freight). So ill start messing around when I have time, school just started back up so most of my practice will get done on the weekend... hopefully I can get some good practicing in and get a little faster before taking my dart apart to port the x heads.

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