When I first bolted the intake on I re-torqued them at least a dozen times. They sat overnight during that time period before finally not taking any further tightening. Once it’s run a couple times and brought up to temp I’ll recheck them. An experienced Hemi friend tells me that he checks his annually. That’s wise advise to me, that’s my plan.
Now I’m not sure about all Hemi heads but my victor heads have the 1/4” intake holes only threaded 1/2” deep. So 8 to 9 full turns max before running out of thread. The recessed hole at the top for the bolt head was anywhere from .220 to .430. Needless to say special attention and individual bolt length alterations were needed. 1/2” of thread sure isn’t very much going into aluminum. I could sure see some fellows bottoming out and thinking their intake is at torque. My hemi Buddy told me that he drilled and threaded his intake bolts holes right through. Smart.