First Covid-19 shot

My arm was sore at the injection site the second day part of the third day. Woke up with a headache the first day after the shot. I feel fortunate to work in a hospital and have access to it for me and my wife.

I get my second one on Monday. Susie got her first last Friday. Only a sore arm from the Moderna shot.

At the hospital where I work they were giving public shots to 65 years and older, and first responders last week, but haven't had vaccine to do any shots this entire week.

As far as inpatients, 3 weeks ago we had 102 inpatients with Covid. Today we were at 52. In fact, the hospital shut down a floor they were using strictly for Covid patients. Partly though, because of staffing. The put some patients on a regular floor where they created 10 negative pressure rooms. That way, staff can care for covid and non-covid patients.

Had no idea you have changed work! Are you at the main hospital in Rome?