Depressing movies that you only watched once....

Okay, maybe to be accurate, how about Depressing movies that you have seen.
I love movies. Some are sad but in a good way.
I want to see what you think is a Depressing movie.
Tonight, Less Than Zero was on. Robert Downey Jr played a drug addict deeply in debt that resorted to being a gay prostitute to pay off what he owes. In the end, he dies in what is assumed to be heart failure.
I've never seen it but....Passion of the Christ....Two hours of Jesus being abused and tortured? Really?
Oh yeah...Leaving Las Vegas too. Nicolas Cage gets fired and moves to Las Vegas to drink himself to death.

Gattaca with Ethan Hawk. The entire movie feels dystopian and sad.
Repo Men with Jude Law.
Red Dawn, the original.
What is on your list?

The Incredible Mr Ripley with Matt Damon.