Stop in for a cup of coffee

We are a bit behind you as the snow didn’t start here until around 1 pm. We have about 3” now but they are forecasting it to become heavy overnight. Storm total for us is now forecast at 12”-18”.

We don’t need to go anywhere, so I will wait until it’s over to begin clearing. Last time we did it part way through the storm, we got mixed rain/freezing rain that made it harder to clear in the end after it froze solid down to the asphalt. The parts we didn’t clear only had a crust on top and were a lot easier to dig out.

This storm has a risk of mixed precipitation around midnight tonight so I’m just letting it all be.
I think they still have us in 12-18. As far as I saw no freezing rain expected here. Otherwise I agree - you don't want that on the bottom.
As of now, I still have work tomorrow afternoon. So figure I will be doing another cleanup round before that.