Sexy pair of A Bunnies in snow

Absolutely ! I love driving in the snow. In the 80's I drove my Ragtop through four winters! Gotta love posi . Wish I had pics of that. My brother in law still talks this day about me driving up Rt 93 North from Boston and I guess I passed him in a snow storm . I was a little wilder then. I wouldn't do that to it now .lol

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Nice. I remember one year at a place I used to work at was at 1400ft elevation. A snow storm hit hard and I left work in my 92 Mustang GT. Front tires were cupped from bad inner tie rods (found all this out after the storm) and drove 12 miles home at 10-15 mph passing Subaru's and 4x4's in the ditch. I made sure the wave as I went by. Every now and then I'd goose it and let the *** come around. Fun car, I miss it.

A convertible must be interesting to dive int he snow. Was the top ever an issue with it collapsing under the weight of snow?