First Covid-19 shot

That is great info - thanks
On the other side of that coin.
25,000,000 have been infected with covid-19
2,500,000 have died from covid-19
Over 400,000 have died from covid-19 in the USA
I think I will still get my second shot on 2/12
My motto has always been "a better life through science". I would have been dead a long time ago had I not placed my faith in our Medical Community.
Stay safe everyone
In regards to the other side of that coin it is heartbreaking for the family when someone dies.
When it comes to a virus, the science is not all that certain. For instance: my first wife died at 34 years of age from the AIDS virus. She contracted it from a blood transfusion during an emergency c-section that delivered our first daughter 6 weeks early. She lived for 6 years with odd ailments until her immune system had been compromised enough to actually necessitate a test for the virus. Two years later my wife died after horribly suffering the ghastly affects of that disease. I and my two daughters did not become infected even though she and I had unprotected sex and she became pregnant with our second daughter while infected. Science cannot explain why we were spared.
During her illness and after I read every technical paper written about AIDS that I could find. I have a degree in Chemistry and BioChemistry. Science failed to produce a vaccination. Some vaccines killed the virus in the test tube but not in live animals (monkeys). Science could not explain why. A friend of mine’s father contracted the AIDS virus a month before my wife did. He is still alive today. He and my wife took the same therapeutic regimen. Science cannot explain why it worked on him but not on her and all of the others like her.

The decision to vaccinate is up to each individual. You have decided to do it. I hope it works and that you suffer no side affects from the vaccine.

If someone decides not to receive a vaccine I will not call them “irresponsible” or “selfish”. I understand the mechanism of mRNA that is being used in some versions of the vaccine. I prefer not to be injected with someone else’s genetic coding fragments. I have already shown to myself that my system will produce antibodies in sufficient amounts to allow me to recover from the Wuhan virus.
