Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thanks Guys. I was told to try Magnesium Spray - many athletes use it for muscle and joint issues.
It may help long term with healing, but I wouldn't expect pain relief. I have been using Theraworx on my legs for a couple years. It's like $20 a bottle, but comes out as a foam, so a bottle goes a long way.
Had serious issues with leg cramps which I blame on Lipitor. Used to be a few nights a week now hardly happens. No way to know how much it helped orif it was jut a matter of time to get that crap out of my system, but I keep using it as a hedge against cramps. Simultaneous cramps in both thighs reeally hurts. I just rub a little in almost every night. Could be that every time I put it on I am massaging the muscle (no Karl).